[visual studio] Bring Your MFC Application to the Web mfc 어플리케인 web 구동

Bring Your MFC Application to the Web

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5.00/5 (6 votes)
1 Nov 2020CPOL5 min read
This is a proof of concept (POC) that C++ on desktop and Emscripten can share the same UI code.
For this demonstration, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) is chosen as this is the C++ framework I am most familiar with and a pure Win32 approach is simply too much work. I only wrote the bare minimum code for three UI control wrappers and methods that I use and call.

Table of Contents

The example code is hosted at Github.


Writing a full framework, frankly speaking, is a full-time job. The three UI control wrapper abstracts and hides away the implementation details of MFC and HTML, so that developer can write standard C++ code. Though I use MFC underneath, I strive to make my implementation to be as close as .NET Winform as possible. The reason is in terms of ease of use and elegance, MFC does not come even close to Winform. The use case is not to port existing Win32/MFC code using this approach. The intended use case is for porting a simple OpenGL demo: Emscripten has excellent support for bridging OpenGL and WebGL but none for the UI controls that exist outside the OpenGL window. At all times, I have written the C++ UI code and rewritten the same UI logic in JavaScript to control OpenGL animation. Below is a list of some caveats developer needs to be aware of before embarking on this effort.

  • This only works for simple controls that exist both on Windows and HTML. Not for composite control like CCheckListBox. Not for complicated control like CListCtrl. Not for subclassed custom-drawn controls.
  • This does not work out for Single Document Interface (SDI) and Multiple Document Interface (MDI) as these hierarchical architectures are very difficult to port to HTML. I do not see this as a problem since Winform does not have SDI/MDI architecture and it manages to do very well on desktop application and is very popular with .NET developers.
  • This approach does not work for UI layout: MFC has its UI designer and HTML5 relies on HTML/CSS to layout and style its controls. These two are very different technologies for laying out UI controls which I unable to reconcile. For the purpose of this article, I hand-wrote the HTML controls.

Qt does not have these problems as it handles the UI drawing and everything itself without using the equivalent HTML controls. For my approach, I have to settle for the lowest common denominator between Win32 and HTML. One advantage is HTML code download may be smaller for my approach as my UI work is delegated to HTML controls.

This is the UI of the MFC dialog.

MFC Dialog

This is the UI of the HTML form.


Let's take a closer look at the source code.

Dialog Code

Before a single line is written for the dialog header, a header for UI controls must be included, depending on the presence of __EMSCRIPTEN__ macro.

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    #include "JsUI.h"
    #include "CppUI.h"

The Dialog class has different constructors for Emscripten and MFC. For the Emscripten version, it takes in the HTML control name while the MFC ones take in the pointers to MFC control. There is a OnButtonClick to handle button click. There are three controls, namely a textboxcheckbox, and button in this Dialog class.

class Dialog
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    Dialog(const char* TextBoxName, 
           const char* CheckBoxName, 
           const char* ButtonName);
    Dialog(CEdit* pTextBox, 
           CButton* pCheckBox, 
           CButton* pButton);

    void OnButtonClick();

    WATextBox m_TextBox;
    WACheckBox m_CheckBox;
    WAButton m_Button;

This is the implementation of the Dialog constructor. The title of m_TextBox is set to "Mike". An event handler is assigned to the m_Button.Clicked event. Notice how similar it is to C# Winform 1.0 events.

#include "Dialog.h"

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
Dialog::Dialog(const char* TextBoxName, 
               const char* CheckBoxName, 
               const char* ButtonName)
    : m_TextBox(TextBoxName)
    , m_CheckBox(CheckBoxName)
    , m_Button(ButtonName)
Dialog::Dialog(CEdit* pTextBox, 
               CButton* pCheckBox, 
			   CButton* pButton)
    : m_TextBox(pTextBox)
    , m_CheckBox(pCheckBox)
    , m_Button(pButton)
    m_Button.Clicked += EventHandler(&Dialog::OnButtonClick, this);

Inside OnButtonClick(), "Hello" is prepended to the text depending whether the checkbox is checked. And a MessageBox with the text is shown.

void Dialog::OnButtonClick()
    std::string text = m_TextBox.GetText();
    if (m_CheckBox.GetCheck())
        text = std::string("Hello ") + text;


CppUI.h Setter and Getter

This section gives a glimpse of how setter and getter are implemented in CppUI.h in general. Only the setter and getter for the checkbox is shown.

경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.

bool GetCheck() const
    return (m_pCheckBox->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED);

void SetCheck(bool check)
    int v = check ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED;

JsUI.h Setter and Getter

The setter and getter for the checkbox for JavaScript are implemented via calls to EM_ASM family of functions that allow JavaScript code to be embedded inside the C++ source code. The general idea is the same for accessing other type of controls.

bool GetCheck() const
    int check = EM_ASM_INT({
        var ctrl = document.getElementById(UTF8ToString(

[visual studio] Bring Your MFC Application to the Web mfc 어플리케인 web 구동

Bring Your MFC Application to the Web

Rate me:
5.00/5 (6 votes)
1 Nov 2020CPOL5 min read
This is a proof of concept (POC) that C++ on desktop and Emscripten can share the same UI code.
For this demonstration, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) is chosen as this is the C++ framework I am most familiar with and a pure Win32 approach is simply too much work. I only wrote the bare minimum code for three UI control wrappers and methods that I use and call.

Table of Contents

The example code is hosted at Github.


Writing a full framework, frankly speaking, is a full-time job. The three UI control wrapper abstracts and hides away the implementation details of MFC and HTML, so that developer can write standard C++ code. Though I use MFC underneath, I strive to make my implementation to be as close as .NET Winform as possible. The reason is in terms of ease of use and elegance, MFC does not come even close to Winform. The use case is not to port existing Win32/MFC code using this approach. The intended use case is for porting a simple OpenGL demo: Emscripten has excellent support for bridging OpenGL and WebGL but none for the UI controls that exist outside the OpenGL window. At all times, I have written the C++ UI code and rewritten the same UI logic in JavaScript to control OpenGL animation. Below is a list of some caveats developer needs to be aware of before embarking on this effort.

  • This only works for simple controls that exist both on Windows and HTML. Not for composite control like CCheckListBox. Not for complicated control like CListCtrl. Not for subclassed custom-drawn controls.
  • This does not work out for Single Document Interface (SDI) and Multiple Document Interface (MDI) as these hierarchical architectures are very difficult to port to HTML. I do not see this as a problem since Winform does not have SDI/MDI architecture and it manages to do very well on desktop application and is very popular with .NET developers.
  • This approach does not work for UI layout: MFC has its UI designer and HTML5 relies on HTML/CSS to layout and style its controls. These two are very different technologies for laying out UI controls which I unable to reconcile. For the purpose of this article, I hand-wrote the HTML controls.

Qt does not have these problems as it handles the UI drawing and everything itself without using the equivalent HTML controls. For my approach, I have to settle for the lowest common denominator between Win32 and HTML. One advantage is HTML code download may be smaller for my approach as my UI work is delegated to HTML controls.

This is the UI of the MFC dialog.

MFC Dialog

This is the UI of the HTML form.


Let's take a closer look at the source code.

Dialog Code

Before a single line is written for the dialog header, a header for UI controls must be included, depending on the presence of __EMSCRIPTEN__ macro.

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    #include "JsUI.h"
    #include "CppUI.h"

The Dialog class has different constructors for Emscripten and MFC. For the Emscripten version, it takes in the HTML control name while the MFC ones take in the pointers to MFC control. There is a OnButtonClick to handle button click. There are three controls, namely a textboxcheckbox, and button in this Dialog class.

class Dialog
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    Dialog(const char* TextBoxName, 
           const char* CheckBoxName, 
           const char* ButtonName);
    Dialog(CEdit* pTextBox, 
           CButton* pCheckBox, 
           CButton* pButton);

    void OnButtonClick();

    WATextBox m_TextBox;
    WACheckBox m_CheckBox;
    WAButton m_Button;

This is the implementation of the Dialog constructor. The title of m_TextBox is set to "Mike". An event handler is assigned to the m_Button.Clicked event. Notice how similar it is to C# Winform 1.0 events.

#include "Dialog.h"

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
Dialog::Dialog(const char* TextBoxName, 
               const char* CheckBoxName, 
               const char* ButtonName)
    : m_TextBox(TextBoxName)
    , m_CheckBox(CheckBoxName)
    , m_Button(ButtonName)
Dialog::Dialog(CEdit* pTextBox, 
               CButton* pCheckBox, 
			   CButton* pButton)
    : m_TextBox(pTextBox)
    , m_CheckBox(pCheckBox)
    , m_Button(pButton)
    m_Button.Clicked += EventHandler(&Dialog::OnButtonClick, this);

Inside OnButtonClick(), "Hello" is prepended to the text depending whether the checkbox is checked. And a MessageBox with the text is shown.

void Dialog::OnButtonClick()
    std::string text = m_TextBox.GetText();
    if (m_CheckBox.GetCheck())
        text = std::string("Hello ") + text;


CppUI.h Setter and Getter

This section gives a glimpse of how setter and getter are implemented in CppUI.h in general. Only the setter and getter for the checkbox is shown.

bool GetCheck() const
    return (m_pCheckBox->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED);

void SetCheck(bool check)
    int v = check ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED;

JsUI.h Setter and Getter

The setter and getter for the checkbox for JavaScript are implemented via calls to EM_ASM family of functions that allow JavaScript code to be embedded inside the C++ source code. The general idea is the same for accessing other type of controls.

bool GetCheck() const
    int check = EM_ASM_INT({
        var ctrl = document.getElementById(UTF8ToString($0));
        return ctrl.checked;
    }, m_CheckBoxID.c_str());
    return (check > 0);

void SetCheck(bool check)
        var ctrl = document.getElementById(UTF8ToString($0));
        ctrl.checked = $1;
    }, m_CheckBoxID.c_str(), check);

OnButtonClick Call

Dialog::OnButtonClick() in C++ is called by MFC's OnBnClickedBtnSayHello():

void CTestMFCWebAssemblyDlg::OnBnClickedBtnSayHello()

Dialog::OnButtonClick() in JavaScript is called by C function of the same name. Care must be taken that C++ does not mangle this name so this function is surrounded by extern "C". Right now, I manually connect the HTML5 button to call this OnButtonClick() but I expected to be done transparently by a wizard or IDE or helper in the future.

extern "C" {

    void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE OnButtonClick()


Building in Emscripten

This section is for the reader who desires to build the demo code using Emscripten on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). Refer to this article on how to install Emscripten on Ubuntu WSL2. Assuming the source files and Makefile are in /mnt/c/temp2/ folder, this is how make command is called.

(cd /mnt/c/temp2/ && make)

/mnt/c/temp2/ folder on WSL2 refers to my C:\temp2 on Windows.

This is the command to delete the built binary, wa_dialog.js.

(cd /mnt/c/temp2/ && make clean)

In the Makefile, please remember to change the SRCFOLDER and OUTPUT accordingly, if your folder is not /mnt/c/temp2/ and the output file is not wa_dialog.js.



Reader may notice the Dialog code is concise. However, the three control wrappers for each platform (MFC and HTML) that has to be written and much plumbing code to get everything working perfectly. I do not expect anyone to write all this mind-numbing code by hand. Hopefully, in the future, there is some wizard/automation tools to alleviate and lessen the amount of manual work and focus on writing the business logic. Readers may feel that this toy example is easy but actually useless in the real world. The original plan for the article is to write a non-trivial dialog application involving canvas or OpenGL. In the end, I decided against it and keep the demo simple: as the old saying goes, learn how to walk before you run. Hope you have enjoyed reading this article!


  • 1st November, 2020: First release


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)


Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Singapore Singapore
Shao Voon is from Singapore. His interest lies primarily in computer graphics, software optimization, concurrency, security, and Agile methodologies. His hobby is writing a free C++/DirectX photo slideshow application which can be viewed here.


[출처] https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5284114/Bring-Your-MFC-Application-to-the-Web


)); return ctrl.checked; }, m_CheckBoxID.c_str()); return (check > 0); } void SetCheck(bool check) { EM_ASM_({ var ctrl = document.getElementById(UTF8ToString(

[visual studio] Bring Your MFC Application to the Web mfc 어플리케인 web 구동

Bring Your MFC Application to the Web

Rate me:
5.00/5 (6 votes)
1 Nov 2020CPOL5 min read
This is a proof of concept (POC) that C++ on desktop and Emscripten can share the same UI code.
For this demonstration, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) is chosen as this is the C++ framework I am most familiar with and a pure Win32 approach is simply too much work. I only wrote the bare minimum code for three UI control wrappers and methods that I use and call.

Table of Contents

The example code is hosted at Github.


Writing a full framework, frankly speaking, is a full-time job. The three UI control wrapper abstracts and hides away the implementation details of MFC and HTML, so that developer can write standard C++ code. Though I use MFC underneath, I strive to make my implementation to be as close as .NET Winform as possible. The reason is in terms of ease of use and elegance, MFC does not come even close to Winform. The use case is not to port existing Win32/MFC code using this approach. The intended use case is for porting a simple OpenGL demo: Emscripten has excellent support for bridging OpenGL and WebGL but none for the UI controls that exist outside the OpenGL window. At all times, I have written the C++ UI code and rewritten the same UI logic in JavaScript to control OpenGL animation. Below is a list of some caveats developer needs to be aware of before embarking on this effort.

  • This only works for simple controls that exist both on Windows and HTML. Not for composite control like CCheckListBox. Not for complicated control like CListCtrl. Not for subclassed custom-drawn controls.
  • This does not work out for Single Document Interface (SDI) and Multiple Document Interface (MDI) as these hierarchical architectures are very difficult to port to HTML. I do not see this as a problem since Winform does not have SDI/MDI architecture and it manages to do very well on desktop application and is very popular with .NET developers.
  • This approach does not work for UI layout: MFC has its UI designer and HTML5 relies on HTML/CSS to layout and style its controls. These two are very different technologies for laying out UI controls which I unable to reconcile. For the purpose of this article, I hand-wrote the HTML controls.

Qt does not have these problems as it handles the UI drawing and everything itself without using the equivalent HTML controls. For my approach, I have to settle for the lowest common denominator between Win32 and HTML. One advantage is HTML code download may be smaller for my approach as my UI work is delegated to HTML controls.

This is the UI of the MFC dialog.

MFC Dialog

This is the UI of the HTML form.


Let's take a closer look at the source code.

Dialog Code

Before a single line is written for the dialog header, a header for UI controls must be included, depending on the presence of __EMSCRIPTEN__ macro.

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    #include "JsUI.h"
    #include "CppUI.h"

The Dialog class has different constructors for Emscripten and MFC. For the Emscripten version, it takes in the HTML control name while the MFC ones take in the pointers to MFC control. There is a OnButtonClick to handle button click. There are three controls, namely a textboxcheckbox, and button in this Dialog class.

class Dialog
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    Dialog(const char* TextBoxName, 
           const char* CheckBoxName, 
           const char* ButtonName);
    Dialog(CEdit* pTextBox, 
           CButton* pCheckBox, 
           CButton* pButton);

    void OnButtonClick();

    WATextBox m_TextBox;
    WACheckBox m_CheckBox;
    WAButton m_Button;

This is the implementation of the Dialog constructor. The title of m_TextBox is set to "Mike". An event handler is assigned to the m_Button.Clicked event. Notice how similar it is to C# Winform 1.0 events.

#include "Dialog.h"

#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
Dialog::Dialog(const char* TextBoxName, 
               const char* CheckBoxName, 
               const char* ButtonName)
    : m_TextBox(TextBoxName)
    , m_CheckBox(CheckBoxName)
    , m_Button(ButtonName)
Dialog::Dialog(CEdit* pTextBox, 
               CButton* pCheckBox, 
			   CButton* pButton)
    : m_TextBox(pTextBox)
    , m_CheckBox(pCheckBox)
    , m_Button(pButton)
    m_Button.Clicked += EventHandler(&Dialog::OnButtonClick, this);

Inside OnButtonClick(), "Hello" is prepended to the text depending whether the checkbox is checked. And a MessageBox with the text is shown.

void Dialog::OnButtonClick()
    std::string text = m_TextBox.GetText();
    if (m_CheckBox.GetCheck())
        text = std::string("Hello ") + text;


CppUI.h Setter and Getter

This section gives a glimpse of how setter and getter are implemented in CppUI.h in general. Only the setter and getter for the checkbox is shown.

bool GetCheck() const
    return (m_pCheckBox->GetCheck() == BST_CHECKED);

void SetCheck(bool check)
    int v = check ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED;

JsUI.h Setter and Getter

The setter and getter for the checkbox for JavaScript are implemented via calls to EM_ASM family of functions that allow JavaScript code to be embedded inside the C++ source code. The general idea is the same for accessing other type of controls.

bool GetCheck() const
    int check = EM_ASM_INT({
        var ctrl = document.getElementById(UTF8ToString($0));
        return ctrl.checked;
    }, m_CheckBoxID.c_str());
    return (check > 0);

void SetCheck(bool check)
        var ctrl = document.getElementById(UTF8ToString($0));
        ctrl.checked = $1;
    }, m_CheckBoxID.c_str(), check);

OnButtonClick Call

Dialog::OnButtonClick() in C++ is called by MFC's OnBnClickedBtnSayHello():

void CTestMFCWebAssemblyDlg::OnBnClickedBtnSayHello()

Dialog::OnButtonClick() in JavaScript is called by C function of the same name. Care must be taken that C++ does not mangle this name so this function is surrounded by extern "C". Right now, I manually connect the HTML5 button to call this OnButtonClick() but I expected to be done transparently by a wizard or IDE or helper in the future.

extern "C" {

    void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE OnButtonClick()


Building in Emscripten

This section is for the reader who desires to build the demo code using Emscripten on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). Refer to this article on how to install Emscripten on Ubuntu WSL2. Assuming the source files and Makefile are in /mnt/c/temp2/ folder, this is how make command is called.

(cd /mnt/c/temp2/ && make)

/mnt/c/temp2/ folder on WSL2 refers to my C:\temp2 on Windows.

This is the command to delete the built binary, wa_dialog.js.

(cd /mnt/c/temp2/ && make clean)

In the Makefile, please remember to change the SRCFOLDER and OUTPUT accordingly, if your folder is not /mnt/c/temp2/ and the output file is not wa_dialog.js.



Reader may notice the Dialog code is concise. However, the three control wrappers for each platform (MFC and HTML) that has to be written and much plumbing code to get everything working perfectly. I do not expect anyone to write all this mind-numbing code by hand. Hopefully, in the future, there is some wizard/automation tools to alleviate and lessen the amount of manual work and focus on writing the business logic. Readers may feel that this toy example is easy but actually useless in the real world. The original plan for the article is to write a non-trivial dialog application involving canvas or OpenGL. In the end, I decided against it and keep the demo simple: as the old saying goes, learn how to walk before you run. Hope you have enjoyed reading this article!


  • 1st November, 2020: First release


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)


Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Singapore Singapore
Shao Voon is from Singapore. His interest lies primarily in computer graphics, software optimization, concurrency, security, and Agile methodologies. His hobby is writing a free C++/DirectX photo slideshow application which can be viewed here.


[출처] https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5284114/Bring-Your-MFC-Application-to-the-Web


)); ctrl.checked = 91663; }, m_CheckBoxID.c_str(), check); }

OnButtonClick Call

Dialog::OnButtonClick() in C++ is called by MFC's OnBnClickedBtnSayHello():

void CTestMFCWebAssemblyDlg::OnBnClickedBtnSayHello()

Dialog::OnButtonClick() in JavaScript is called by C function of the same name. Care must be taken that C++ does not mangle this name so this function is surrounded by extern "C". Right now, I manually connect the HTML5 button to call this OnButtonClick() but I expected to be done transparently by a wizard or IDE or helper in the future.

extern "C" {

    void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE OnButtonClick()


Building in Emscripten

This section is for the reader who desires to build the demo code using Emscripten on Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). Refer to this article on how to install Emscripten on Ubuntu WSL2. Assuming the source files and Makefile are in /mnt/c/temp2/ folder, this is how make command is called.

(cd /mnt/c/temp2/ && make)

/mnt/c/temp2/ folder on WSL2 refers to my C:\temp2 on Windows.

This is the command to delete the built binary, wa_dialog.js.

(cd /mnt/c/temp2/ && make clean)

In the Makefile, please remember to change the SRCFOLDER and OUTPUT accordingly, if your folder is not /mnt/c/temp2/ and the output file is not wa_dialog.js.



Reader may notice the Dialog code is concise. However, the three control wrappers for each platform (MFC and HTML) that has to be written and much plumbing code to get everything working perfectly. I do not expect anyone to write all this mind-numbing code by hand. Hopefully, in the future, there is some wizard/automation tools to alleviate and lessen the amount of manual work and focus on writing the business logic. Readers may feel that this toy example is easy but actually useless in the real world. The original plan for the article is to write a non-trivial dialog application involving canvas or OpenGL. In the end, I decided against it and keep the demo simple: as the old saying goes, learn how to walk before you run. Hope you have enjoyed reading this article!


  • 1st November, 2020: First release


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)


Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Singapore Singapore
Shao Voon is from Singapore. His interest lies primarily in computer graphics, software optimization, concurrency, security, and Agile methodologies. His hobby is writing a free C++/DirectX photo slideshow application which can be viewed here.


[출처] https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5284114/Bring-Your-MFC-Application-to-the-Web


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