Octave — Scientific Programming Language Crash Course

Free Matlab alternative

Łukasz Gebel
Sep 17 · 11 min read
Octave (screenshot by Author).

GNU Octave is a free, scientific programming language. It offers a rich mathematical apparatusconcise syntax, and has built-in visualization tools [1]. The whole package is really handy. It has a graphical user interface (GUI) and command-line interface versions. It feels like a standard Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java or Python.

Octave can be used for solving various mathematical problems, building simulations, or working on data science projects. If you’re familiar with Matlab [2], or you’re looking for a quick way of prototyping your science-related ideas, you should definitely try Octave. Let’s go through practical examples that will help you to start your journey with this tool.


On Debian operating systems (e.g. Ubuntu) you can install Octave by using the built-in package manager:

Octave installation on Debian systems (gist by Author).

If you’ll be prompted about missing packages check here [3] for the command with full a list of needed packages for your version of the operating system. For ubuntu 20.4 it looks like this:

Octave packages needed by Ubuntu 20.4 (gist by Author).

If you’re using Windows simply download the installer executable file or a zip file and unpack it. Current version 5.2, and instructions for macOS and BSD systems, are available here [4].

GUI guide

Octave GUI (screenshot by Author).

Octave GUI consists of 4 main parts. The most important one is the panel that covers the biggest area on the right. By default, it is a Command Window. Here you can type any Octave commands in interactive mode and they are immediately executed, showing the result.

At the bottom of the Command Window, you can find another 3 tabs. The second one is Documentation. It’s a very handy, offline version of the whole Octave docs. It is divided by themed sections where you can read about topics like Data Types or Statements. It also contains a separate functions index with examples:

Octave built-in documentation (screenshot by Author).

The last two tabs under the main area on the right are Editor and Variable Editor. The editor tab is simply a text editor where you type your Octave code. It has a syntax completion feature, but in general, is quite minimalistic. In Variable Editor, you can choose a variable and change its values. It is useful while dealing with multidimensional variables, so you don’t get confused when you need to edit them by hand. From my experience, it’s quite rarely used functionality.

On the left part of the main window, there are 3 panels. At the top, there is a File Browser where you choose your project directory and can manipulate its files. Below you’ll find a Workspace that contains all active variables as well as their short descriptions (type, dimension, values, attributes). The last panel contains Commands History. It allows you to search for and filter the commands you used in the past:

Octave Command History panel (screenshot by Author).

Working with data

Data and variables are core parts of any computer program. Take a look at how to define different types of variables and load files in Octave.

Variables definitions in Octave (screenshot by Author).

In the screenshot, you can see that defining variables is pretty intuitive. You need to provide a variable name, use assign operator “=” and type a value you want to put under the variable. You can use scalar values like integer numbers, floating-point numbers, text (defined in quotes like “I’m a sample text”). If you just put a value without a name, Octave creates ans variable and keeps there the last value you typed directly in the command window. You can use ans as any other variable.

If you looked at the screenshot carefully, you noticed a trick. When you end your line with a semicolon “; the command doesn’t print any output. However, commands without a semicolon at the end print the result to the console.

Defining vectors

A vector is a variable that consists of multiple values. You can think of it as of array of elements. To define a vector in Octave you need to provide a vector name and its values separated by space. All statement should be enclosed with square brackets:

Vectors definitions in Octave (screenshot by Author).

To define a column vector you should separate vector values using a semicolon.

Defining matrices

Matrix definitions are as straightforward as vector ones. The main rules are:

  1. Separate matrix row values with spaces.
  2. Separate matrix columns with semicolons.

Take a look at the picture:

Matrix definitions in Octave (screenshot by Author).

Functions useful while defining variables

If you want to generate a variable consisting of zeros or ones there are two convenient functions you can use. zeros(m,n,k,..) generates variable full of zeros and m,n,k are integers defining the sizes of dimensions. By analogy you can use ones(m,n,k,…) to get a variable filled with ones:

Example of zeros function (screenshot by Author).

Another useful way of generating values is generating vectors using given discrete steps. Let’s assume you need a vector that goes from zero to 10 with a step equal to 0.5. In Octave you can define it like this:

Vector generated by using the discrete step (screenshot by Author).

All you need to do is to start with the initial value, step value, and the last value of the vector. These three values should be separated with a colon. In our example vector has 21 elements.

Accessing elements

One of the most important things to remember while accessing variables is that Octave starts indexing from 1, not from 0 as most of us are used to. To get the particular element you need to specify its indices inside parenthesis:

Accessing variables elements in Octave (screenshot by Author).

Loading data

The easiest way to load the data is to use load(filename.m) function. It expects to have a file with comma-delimited values and columns. Take a look at the example:

Sample data file (screenshot by Author).

Having such a file, let’s call it myData.m, you simply choose a variable to assign the data and call load function like this:

Loading data example (screenshot by Author).

In the picture, you can see that we loaded a matrix variable which has 63 rows, 2 values each. To check the variable size the size(variable) function is used. After loading we check the first element of the first row which is equal to 2000.

Octave also supports more advanced loading functionalities like binary files or defining the delimiter inside the file. To find out more check the load function description in the documentation.

Basic linear algebra operations

The most powerful part of Octave is a built-in mathematical apparatus. The straightforward and handy syntax makes it even better.

Adding and subtracting matrices

To add or subtract matrices you need to use “+” or “-” minus operator. When you add two matrices of the same sizes the operation will be done using values from corresponding cells (e.g. value from the first row and first column from matrix A plus value from the first row and first column from matrix B).

Examples of adding and subtracting matrices (screenshot by Author).

However, you need to be careful. It is also possible to add or subtract a vector. To make it clear let’s look at a couple of different examples:

Operations on matrix and vector (screenshot by Author).

Matrix multiplication

Let’s recall the prerequisite needed to multiply matrices.

Matrix multiplication rule (image by Author).

To multiply matrix A of size m x n by matrix B, the number of rows in matrix B must be equal to the number of columns in matrix A. Assuming that matrix B has size n x k, the result of the multiplication is the matrix C of size m x k. To multiply matrices use the “*” operator.

Let’s take a look at the example:

Matrices multiplication example (screenshot by Author).

Why we get such a result? Check how each matrix cell is calculated according to matrix multiplication rules:

Matrix multiplication example details (image by Author).

We can apply the same rule to vectors, as they are a special case of matrices (size of 1 x n, or n x 1 in case of column vectors). We’ll get a single value if we multiple vectors of the following sizes:

경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.

A special case that results in a single value (image by Author).

To visualize this case let’s define vector A and a column vector and multiply them:

Vector multiplication example (image by Author).

Both vectors consist of 1, 2, 3, 4. Multiplying them is equal to multiplying first elements from A and and adding the result of multiplication of their second elements and so on until we reach all of the elements. It means we get:

Vectors multiplication step by step (image by Author).

Scalar matrix multiplication

Sometimes you need to multiply corresponding elements of matrices. Of course, it’s not the matrix multiplication according to linear algebra definition, so you can’t use the “*” operator. Instead, Octave has an additional dot “.” operator that goes before the multiplication operator. Let’s see what happens when you use it:

Example of scalar matrix multiplication (screenshot by Author).

Matrix transposition

To transpose a matrix, it means that we change the rows to the columns and the columns to the rows. As a result, the size of the matrix changes according to the following formula:

Matrix transposition formula (image by Author).

In Octave you can transpose a matrix by using the “  “ operator:

Example of a matrix transposition (screenshot by Author).

Solving a linear equations system

Finally, let’s solve a simple linear equations system:

Linear equations system (image by Author).

Such a system can be represented by two matrices that map coefficients before variables. The first one represents the left side of the system:

The left side of the equations system — matrix representation (image by Author).

And the right side looks like this:

The right side of the equations system — matrix representation (image by Author).

The whole system is represented using the following formula where matrix x consists of variables x and y:

Linear equations system (image by Author).

To solve it we could invert matrix A and multiply it by matrix b. In Octave, it is equivalent to using left side division operator “\” [5]. As a result x = A \ b:

Linear equations system solution (screenshot by Author).

Finally, we got that variable x equals to 2 and variable y equals to 3. That’s the correct answer, great!

Visualization tools

We know that image is worth thousands of words and it can help to understand the problem we try to solve. Fortunately plotting is also a built-in functionality of Octave.

Plotting points

To draw a 2D data point you can use plot function. It takes x and y coordinates of your points as arguments and additional style-related parameters.

Let’s assume you have a file in which every line contains a point. The code below loads the file into data variable, extracts the x and y coordinates of each point (using the “:” operator), and plot blue points (“b.”) points of size 30 (“markersize” parameter):

Code plotting 2D points (gist by Author).

As a result, we get a grid of points:

Plot result (screenshot by Author).

To change colors and style you can try different letters, e.g. for green, for red, and for points style characters like “+” or “*”. For example “plot(x, y, ‘r+’, ‘markersize’, 30);” looks like this:

Plot using r+ style (screenshot by Author).

Plotting functions

You can use the same plot method to draw a function graph. First of all, you need to prepare your vector of discrete coordinates and then a vector of function values for each of the coordinates. What’s important these vectors should have equal sizes.

As an example let’s draw a plot of the following function:

Sample linear function (image by Author).

Take a look at the code snippet:

Function plot code (gist by Author).

In the first line, vector x starts from -10 and is filled until values reach 10 (with the step equal to 0.1). So it contains -10, -9.9, -9,8 … 10. Then vector y contains values of the function for each x coordinate. Finally, we plot our function and set its line width to 10:

Linear function plot (screenshot by Author).

More fancy functions

Of course, it’s possible to draw more complex functions. Octave provides really good documentation, so I encourage you to check and play with plot3meshgridsurfsombrero functions. It’s a good exercise.

For some of the functions mentioned above Octave also provides some test plot function, you can quickly see the result just by calling them without any parameters. Here are some examples:

peaks and surf functions (screenshot by Author).

Useful trick

For the last point of this crash course, I’ll share functionality which is really useful while filtering your data. You can use it on the vector or matrix of predictions from your Machine Learning classifier and decide about labels of given objects. Another example is applying a given threshold to your data or removing and extracting anomalies.

Let’s assume we have a predictions vector containing 0 and 1 as labels for different objects. To find the indices of a given label you can use find function and define a condition as its parameter. To understand it better, let’s check the following example:

Example of find function (screenshot by Author).

How does it work? The condition passed to find function is used to return all indices of elements that are greater than 0. Then we can use those indices to extract elements from the predictions vector. That’s it!


After completing this short tutorial you have the knowledge which should give you a kick start to the Octave environment. You know how to define and load data, how to perform operations on vectors and matrices, and how to visualize your work.

I encourage you to use Octave whenever you came up with an idea and you need a rich yet straightforward environment to prototype it, and your full-blown Python setup is out of the reach.


  1. https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MATLAB
  3. https://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Debian_systems
  4. https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/download.html
  5. https://octave.org/doc/v4.0.1/Simple-Examples.html


[출처] https://towardsdatascience.com/octave-scientific-programming-language-crash-course-2ab8d864a01d



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