[javascript] How to append HTML code to a div using JavaScript ?

here are two ways to append HTML code to a div through JavaScript

  • Using the innerHTML attribute
  • Using the insertAdjacentHTML() method

Using the innerHTML attribute:
To append using the innerHTML attribute, first select the element (div) where you want to append the code. Then, add the code enclosed as strings using the += operator on innerHTML.


element.innerHTML += "additional HTML code"


element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML + "additional HTML code"





<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>How to Append HTML Code to a Div using Javascript</title>
        body {
            text-align: center;
            padding: 5%;
    <div id="add_to_me">
        <p>This is the text which has already been typed into the div</p>
    <button onclick="addCode()">Add Stuff</button>
        function addCode() {
            document.getElementById("add_to_me").innerHTML += 
              "<h3>This is the text which has been inserted by JS</h3>";
  • Output:
  • Before Clicking the Button:
  • After Clicking the Button:

    Note: This method basically destroys all the content of the div and recreates it. So, if you have any listeners attached to the child nodes of that div, they will be lost.

    Using the insertAdjacentHTML() method

    경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
    어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.

    HTML code can be appended to a div using the insertAdjacentHTML() method. However, you need to select an element inside the div to add the code. This method takes two parameters:



    elementInsideDiv.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', 'additional HTML code');


    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>How to Append HTML Code to a Div using Javascript</title>
            body {
                text-align: center;
                padding: 5%;
            color: green
        <div id="add_to_me">
            <p id="add_after_me">
              This is the text which has already been typed into the div</p>
        <button onclick="addCode()">Add Stuff</button>
            function addCode() {
                    "<h3>This is the text which has been inserted by JS</h3>");
      1. The position (in the document) where you want to insert the code (‘afterbegin’, ‘beforebegin’, ‘afterend’, ‘beforeend’)
      2. The HTML code you want to insert enclosed in quotes
      • Output:
      • Before Clicking the Button:
      • After Clicking the Button:

        [출처] https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-append-html-code-to-a-div-using-javascript/





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