Top 20 Arduino-based Health Projects

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It started in 2003 in Italy as a research project and its goal was to create simple, low cost tools for creating digital projects by non-engineers.

Arduino is used sometimes with Raspberry Pi for prototyping, If you are looking for Raspberry Pi Medical and Healthcare IoT projects we have compiled a list of top 15 projects that uses RaspberryPi.

Types of Arduino Boards

  • Arduino Uno.
  • Arduino Mega 2560.
  • Arduino Leonardo.
  • Arduino 101.
  • Arduino Esplora.
  • Arduino Zero.
  • Arduino Due.
  • Arduino Tian.
  • Arduino Yun.
  • Arduino Industrial 101.
  • Arduino Gemma.
  • LilyPad Arduino Board.


Arduino-based Health Projects

  • MySignals:
    Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
    Development platform for medical devices and eHealth applications. It measures more than 15 different biometric parameters. You can add your own sensors
    to build new medical devices.

  • IoT Based Health Care System:
    Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
    It provides a solution for measurement of body parameters like ECG, Temperature, Moisture, and Heartbeat. It also detects the body condition and location of the patients.

  • The Arduino101 way of Caregiving:
    Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
    Dealing with ill people or elderly at your home? No problem, here's the solution.





경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.


Personal Healthcare Assistant (PHA):
Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
Wearable for monitoring the health condition of patients who have suffered or are in risk of having a cardiac arrest.

Smart Health Kit:
Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
Creating E-health care system that allows easier, better, and faster communications between patients, doctors, and hospitals.

Controlling patient's fever with Artik & Arduino:
Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
This project consists of 2 devices. The first one is a wearable and monitors temperature, the second one will control the temperature.

Alzheimer's Assistant:
Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
A smartwatch with fall and location detection, reminders and more, designed to help you or your loved one with Alzheimer's!




  • Sleep Quality Monitor:
    Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
    Monitor the quality of your sleep and live better.

  • Purdue ExoMIND Glove:
    Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
    The ExoMIND Glove is a stroke rehabilitation device used to generate biofeedback for physical therapists and patients.


  • LipSync:
    Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
    An assistive tech which allows quadriplegics to use touchscreen mobile devices using a mouth-operated joystick with sip and puff controls to simulate the actions of "tap" and hitting the back button, respectively. With longer sips and longer puffs, additional secondary features are enabled including a "tap and drag", "long tap and drag" and the possibility of more specialized functions as per the user's needs.





Tympan RevC/ RevD: Open source hearing aid Arduino-compatible  hardware

Top 20 Arduino-based Health and medical Projects
 Tympan RevC/ RevD

Tympan RevC/ RevD is an open source hardware/ software platform for developing hearing aid devices




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54 Raspberry Pi 3에 LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) 설치하는 방법 file 졸리운_곰 2019.10.30 68
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