넷북 EeePC T101MT에서 Windows 8 구동시키기

Running Windows 8 on the Eee PC T101MT

[출처] http://www.sytone.com/2011/11/running-windows-8-on-the-eee-pc-t101mt/

I have a Eee PC T101MT and wanted to run Windows 8 on it. This entry takes you through the steps.

  1. Download the Windows 8 Preview @ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/br229516 I downloaded the 32-bit version as it was smaller and I only have 2Gb on the machine. :)
  2. Go to the Microsoft Store and download the Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool
    @ http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msstore/html/pbPage.Help_Win7_usbdvd_dwnTool this will allow you to put the ISO on a bootable USB key. Did I mention you need a 8Gb USB key? If not you do. Go shopping if you do not have one, they are handy and this entry will be here when you get back.
  3. Once the ISO is downloaded and the Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool is installed open up the tool and select the Windows 8 ISO as the source and USB Device as the destination, select the USB key you put in the computer and then click begin copying.
  4. Once completed get out the T101MT and plug it into the power and put the USB key in one of the ports. When it starts up hit F2 to go into the BIOS and make sure you have USB as a boot option. You should be promted to select the boot device, select USB and watch the pretty install.
  5. One that is complete, name you computer, connect to wireless (assuming you have wireless), use express (yep, im lazy), log in with your live ID (Syncing Goodness) and wait until it finishes configuring.
  6. You now have Windows 8 goodness.
  7. Time to tweak the graphics! As the res os only 600 not 768 in vertical you need to do the following.
  8. Type in regiedit, trust me :) you will then be shown a icon of regedit click/press on it.
  9. Press Ctrl+F and search for Display1_DownScalingSupported in the registry. This will take a while.
  10. Once it has been found set its value to 1 to enable scaling.
  11. Hit F3 a few times to make sure you got all instances.
  12. Exit regedit and reboot the laptop.
  13. Once restarted click on the desktop tile and right click on the desktop to chenge the resolution.
  14. You now should be able to select 1024 x 768 (Note: This scales the screen and does not add pixels so some text and images may look weird.

All Done! Enjoy Windows 8 on your netbook.


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