[UBUNTU] 우분투 20.04 USB 스틱에 설치 How to Install Ubuntu on a USB Flash Drive

How to Install Ubuntu on a USB Flash Drive

Ubuntu is one of the most widely used Linux operating systems among home users and enterprises.Ubuntu is normally installed by booting from a USB.

Installing the entire Ubuntu on a USB Flash drive is simple and straightforward. We need a bootable usb and another USB to which complete Ubuntu to be installed.

You can use ubuntu installed USB as a portable computer and bootable device. This tutorial we learn how to install the entire Ubuntu on a USB Flash Drive.


The minimum recommended space required for Ubuntu operating system is 25GB. We need a USB with minimum 32GB to which we install the complete Ubuntu.

Also required a bootable Ubuntu USB or a Live CD. Earlier we learned to create a bootable USB and can use any tools to create it.

Once you have the bootable USB drive ready, plug it in and reboot your PC. Be sure that the BIOS is configured to boot from the bootable USB flash drive.

Installing Ubuntu on a USB drive

Once Ubuntu has booted using the bootable USB, plug in the second USB drive on which Ubuntu will be installed.

Click on the 'Install Ubuntu' option.

Ubuntu Installation options
Ubuntu welcome Install screen

In the next step, select the preferred Keyboard Layout & language and click on the 'Continue' button.

Select Keyboard layout during Ubuntu installation
Select Keyboard layout

In the next step, select the nature of installation ( either Normal or Minimal ) and the updates and third-party Apps that you'd wish installed. Then click 'Continue'.

Select the updates and installation mode Ubuntu 20.04 installation
Choose updates and other software

In the 'Installation Type' section, select 'Something Else' so that the installer can present you with an option to install Ubuntu on your USB drive.

Installation type  something else Ubuntu 20.04
Choose Installation type

The next window displays all the available drives on which Ubuntu can be installed. This is the important step, carefully choose the correct USB drive partition.

In our case, the USB drive partition is /dev/sdb and this is where we shall install Ubuntu. In your case, the label might be different.

Note: Menu may look different based on the Ubuntu version. Here we using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

So, click on your USB drive and click the 'New Partition Table' option.

Create a new partition table on the USB drive
Create a new partition table on the USB drive

When prompted to delete all the partitions, click 'Continue' to format and erase pre-existing partitions on the USB drive.

Proceed to create new partitions
Proceed to create new partitions

This creates free space in the partition table equivalent to the capacity of your USB drive. Click on the plus sign ( + ) to begin creating partitions.

We will create the following partitions on the USB drive:

/boot - 2GB

/ ( root ) - 55 GB

Swap 4 GB

Let's begin by creating the boot partitions. Specify the size in Megabytes and ensure mount point is set to /boot then click 'OK'.

Create boot partition

This takes you back to the partition table. As evident, the boot partition has been created. To create the root ( / ) partition, click on the plus sign ( + ) once again.

Create another partition on USB drive during installation
Create another partition on USB drive

Then specify the root partition size and mount point as / . And then click 'OK'.

경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.

Create root partition on USB drive
Create root partition on USB drive

So far, we have 2 partitions, boot and root partitions. To create the swap mount point, click on the plus sign ( + ) for the last time.

Partition table boot and root partition created
Partition table boot and root partition created

Define the size of Swap and in the 'Use as:' option, select Swap area. Then click 'OK'.

Create Swap mount point Ubuntu
Create swap partition

The partition table is now complete with all the partitions in place. To start the installation of Ubuntu on the USB drive, click on 'Install Now'.

Partition table complete Ubuntu 20.04
Partition table complete - start installation

To save and write changes to the USB drive, click 'Continue'

Write changes to disk and begin the installation
Write changes to disk and begin the installation

The installer automatically detects your location on the World map. Alternatively, you can click anywhere on the map to change your location. When satisfied, click on 'Continue'.

Select location on the world map Ubuntu 20.04
Select location on the world map

In the next step, fill out your credentials including your name, computer's name, username, and a strong password. Then click 'Continue'

Fill out user details in Ubuntu 20.04
Fill out user details

The installer will start installing all the software packages required by the system. Since the installation is being performed on a USB flash drive and not on a PC hard drive, the installation will take quite a while. So, just give it time as the installation progresses.

Installing Ubuntu 20.04 on USB flash drive
Installing Ubuntu on to USB flash drive

Finally, when the installation is complete, hit the 'Restart now' button. Be sure to remove the USB drives so that your PC can boot normally into its operating system.

Installation complete Restart Ubuntu
Installation complete Restart Ubuntu

You can now plug your USB drive into any PC and boot into your instance of Ubuntu that you have just created.


As demonstrated, the installation of Ubuntu to a USB drive is pretty similar to installing it normally on a PC. However, the performance of Ubuntu on a USB drive, is quite slow. It's therefore recommended to only carry out light workloads for best performance.

[출처] https://linoxide.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-usb-flash-drive/













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