How to add a local lib directory to Maven

March 18th, 2010 by 

Sometimes there is a dependency not available at a remote repository and one is too lazy to set up a local maven repository – that’s when one adds a directory in the project structure and wants maven to find dependencies there.
  1. Create a directory called “lib” in the project root
  2. Add the following markup to the pom.xml inside the <repositories>-Tag (create if it does not exist):
  3. Assuming you’ve got a jar file with artifactId=mylibrarygroupId=com.hascode.plugin and a version=1.0.0 you should first rename your jar file to artifactId-version.jar – in the given example this would be mylibrary-1.0.0.jar
  4. In the next step you should create a specific directory structure in your lib folder : Create a sub directory for each part of your groupId, then inside a directory named after the artifactId and inside of this one a directory named after the version. Put the jar in this last directory!
    mkdir -p com/hascode/plugin/mylibrary/1.0.0
    `-- com
        `-- hascode
            `-- plugin
                `-- mylibrary
                    `-- 1.0.0
                        `-- mylibrary-1.0.0.jar
  5. You should now be able to build your project with the bundled dependency .. if you’re using the Maven Eclipse Plugin a refresh of the Maven configuration might be needed…


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