
Class CommonViewer



    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonViewer

        public CommonViewer(String aViewerId,
                            Composite aParent,
                            int aStyle)

        Constructs the Tree Viewer for the Common Navigator and the corresponding NavigatorContentService. The NavigatorContentService will provide the Content Provider and Label Provider -- these need not be supplied by clients.

        For the valid bits to supply in the style mask (aStyle), see documentation provided by TreeViewer.

        aViewerId - An id tied to the extensions that is used to focus specific content to a particular instance of the Common Navigator
        aParent - A Composite parent to contain the actual SWT widget
        aStyle - A style mask that will be used to create the TreeViewer Composite.
    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected void init()

        Initializes the content provider, label provider, and drag and drop support. Should not be called by clients -- this method is invoked when the constructor is invoked.

      • getCommonNavigator

        public CommonNavigator getCommonNavigator()
        the CommonNavigator
      • removeWithoutRefresh

        protected void removeWithoutRefresh(Object[] elements)
      • initDragAndDrop

        protected void initDragAndDrop()

        Adds DND support to the Navigator. Uses hooks into the extensible framework for DND.

        By default, the following Transfer types are supported:

        • LocalSelectionTransfer.getInstance(),
        • PluginTransfer.getInstance()


        See Also:
        CommonDragAdapter, CommonDropAdapter
      • createDragAdapter

        protected CommonDragAdapter createDragAdapter()
        Creates the CommonDragAdapter, this is used to provide a subclass if desired.
        the CommonDragAdapter
      • createDropAdapter

        protected CommonDropAdapter createDropAdapter()
        Creates the CommonDropAdapter, this is used to provide a subclass if desired.
        the CommonDropAdapter
      • handleLabelProviderChanged

        protected void handleLabelProviderChanged(LabelProviderChangedEvent event)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        The StructuredViewer implementation of this ContentViewer method calls update if the event specifies that the label of a given element has changed, otherwise it calls super. Subclasses may reimplement or extend.


        handleLabelProviderChanged in class StructuredViewer
        event - the event that generated this update
      • handleDispose

        protected void handleDispose(DisposeEvent event)
        Description copied from class: ContentViewer
        Handles a dispose event on this viewer's control.

        The ContentViewer implementation of this method disposes of this viewer's label provider and content provider (if it has one). Subclasses should override this method to perform any additional cleanup of resources; however, overriding methods must invoke super.handleDispose.

        handleDispose in class ColumnViewer
        event - a dispose event
      • dispose

        public void dispose()

        Disposes of the NavigatorContentService, which will dispose the Content and Label providers.

      • setSorter

        public void setSorter(ViewerSorter sorter)
        Sets this viewer's sorter and triggers refiltering and resorting of this viewer's element. Passing null turns sorting off.
        setSorter in class StructuredViewer
        sorter - a viewer sorter, or null if none
      • add

        public void add(Object parentElement,
                        Object[] childElements)
        Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
        Adds the given child elements to this viewer as children of the given parent element. If this viewer does not have a sorter, the elements are added at the end of the parent's list of children in the order given; otherwise, the elements are inserted at the appropriate positions.

        This method should be called (by the content provider) when elements have been added to the model, in order to cause the viewer to accurately reflect the model. This method only affects the viewer, not the model.

        add in class AbstractTreeViewer
        parentElement - the parent element
        childElements - the child elements to add
      • refresh

        public void refresh(Object element,
                            boolean updateLabels)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Refreshes this viewer starting with the given element. Labels are updated as described in refresh(boolean updateLabels).

        Unlike the update methods, this handles structural changes to the given element (e.g. addition or removal of children). If only the given element needs updating, it is more efficient to use the updatemethods.

        refresh in class ColumnViewer
        element - the element
        updateLabels - true to update labels for existing elements, false to only update labels as needed, assuming that labels for existing elements are unchanged.
      • setSelection

        public void setSelection(ISelection selection,
                                 boolean reveal)
        Description copied from class: TreeViewer
        Sets a new selection for this viewer and optionally makes it visible.

        Currently the reveal parameter is not honored because Tree does not provide an API to only select an item without scrolling it into view

        setSelection in class TreeViewer
        selection - the new selection
        reveal - true if the selection is to be made visible, and false otherwise
      • hookControl

        protected void hookControl(Control control)
        Description copied from class: ContentViewer
        Adds event listener hooks to the given control.

        All subclasses must call this method when their control is first established.

        경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
        어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.

        The ContentViewer implementation of this method hooks dispose events for the given control. Subclasses may override if they need to add other control hooks; however, super.hookControl must be invoked.

        hookControl in class TreeViewer
        control - the control
      • doUpdateItem

        public void doUpdateItem(Widget item)
        Update an item in the tree.
        item - the item in the tree to update
      • mapElement

        protected void mapElement(Object element,
                                  Widget item)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Adds the element item pair to the element map.

        This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

        mapElement in class TreeViewer
        element - the element
        item - the corresponding widget
      • unmapElement

        protected void unmapElement(Object element,
                                    Widget item)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Removes the given association from the internal element to widget map. Does nothing if mapping is disabled, or if the given element does not map to the given item.

        This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

        unmapElement in class StructuredViewer
        element - the element
        item - the item to unmap
      • unmapAllElements

        protected void unmapAllElements()
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Removes all elements from the map.

        This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

        unmapAllElements in class StructuredViewer
      • setSelectionToWidget

        protected void setSelectionToWidget(List v,
                                            boolean reveal)
        Description copied from class: AbstractTreeViewer
        This implementation of setSelectionToWidget accepts a list of elements or a list of tree paths.
        setSelectionToWidget in class AbstractTreeViewer
        v - list of selected elements (element type: Object) or null if the selection is to be cleared
        reveal - true if the selection is to be made visible, and false otherwise
      • handleDoubleSelect

        protected void handleDoubleSelect(SelectionEvent event)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Handles a double-click select event from the widget.

        This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

        handleDoubleSelect in class AbstractTreeViewer
        event - the SWT selection event
      • handleOpen

        protected void handleOpen(SelectionEvent event)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Handles an open event from the OpenStrategy.

        This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

        handleOpen in class StructuredViewer
        event - the SWT selection event
      • handlePostSelect

        protected void handlePostSelect(SelectionEvent e)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Handles a post select event from the widget.

        This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

        handlePostSelect in class StructuredViewer
        e - the SWT selection event
      • handleSelect

        protected void handleSelect(SelectionEvent event)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Handles a select event from the widget.

        This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call this method.

        handleSelect in class StructuredViewer
        event - the SWT selection event
      • refresh

        public void refresh(Object element)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Refreshes this viewer starting with the given element.

        Unlike the update methods, this handles structural changes to the given element (e.g. addition or removal of children). If only the given element needs updating, it is more efficient to use the updatemethods.

        refresh in class ColumnViewer
        element - the element
      • update

        public void update(Object element,
                           String[] properties)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Updates the given element's presentation when one or more of its properties changes. Only the given element is updated.

        This does not handle structural changes (e.g. addition or removal of elements), and does not update any other related elements (e.g. child elements). To handle structural changes, use the refreshmethods instead.

        This should be called when an element has changed in the model, in order to have the viewer accurately reflect the model. This method only affects the viewer, not the model.

        Specifying which properties are affected may allow the viewer to optimize the update. For example, if the label provider is not affected by changes to any of these properties, an update may not actually be required. Specifying properties as null forces a full update of the element.

        If the viewer has a sorter which is affected by a change to one of the properties, the element's position is updated to maintain the sort order. Note that resorting may not happen if properties is null.

        If the viewer has a filter which is affected by a change to one of the properties, the element may appear or disappear if the change affects whether or not the element is filtered out. Note that filtering may not happen if properties is null.

        update in class ColumnViewer
        element - the element
        properties - the properties that have changed, or null to indicate unknown
      • internalRefresh

        protected void internalRefresh(Object element,
                                       boolean updateLabels)
        Description copied from class: StructuredViewer
        Refreshes this viewer starting at the given element. Labels are updated as described in refresh(boolean updateLabels).

        The default implementation simply calls internalRefresh(element), ignoring updateLabels.

        If this method is overridden to do the actual refresh, then internalRefresh(Object element) should simply call internalRefresh(element, true).

        internalRefresh in class AbstractTreeViewer
        element - the element
        updateLabels - true to update labels for existing elements, false to only update labels as needed, assuming that labels for existing elements are unchanged.
      • createFrameList

        public void createFrameList()
        This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
        This method is not intended to be re-implemented or extended by clients.
      • getFrameList

        public org.eclipse.ui.internal.navigator.framelist.FrameList getFrameList()
        a FrameList
        This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
        This method is not intended to be re-implemented or extended by clients.



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