xerces Xpath - search node from another node

Xalan.jar 를 임포트해야 함


I have the follows XML:


And the follows java code:

    Element ONIXmessage = document.getDocumentElement();
    products = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(ONIXmessage, "/ONIXMessage/Product");

    for(int i = 0;i < products.getLength();i++) {  
        Node product = products.item(i);

        NodeList prova = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(ONIXmessage, "/ONIXMessage/Product/RecordReference");

        NodeList prova2 = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(product, "/ONIXMessage/Product/RecordReference");

This code returns: 3 3 3 3

I think this code should return 3 2 3 1 because the "prova" variable contains all "RecordReference" nodes of the document, and "prova2" only contains the specific "RecordReference" nodes of only one product node.

How I can use XPATH to get only the nodes of a particular product?

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1 Answer 1

The first parameter to XPathAPI#selectNodeList is the context for the XPath expression.

Passing the product variable is reasonable and correct, but your XPath query is wrong: a slash / in the beginning of an expression denominates the root node of the current context, which in this case is the <ONIXMessage/> element.

Instead, start at the current context which is represented by the dot .. Remember your new expression is starting at this context, so your new XPath would be ./RecordReference. You could even ommit the ./, but I prefer adding these two characters making the query easier to read and understand:

NodeList prova2 = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(product, "./RecordReference");
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