How to create linux terminal like tutorialspoint?



TutorialsPoint Java Compiler

In tutorialspoint, they have created linux terminal using term.js.

I have integrated same github library in my project, it is working fine but I am trying to understand the flow of tutorialspoint.

My assumption:

  • In tutroialspoint each time they are creating new user_id under root user(cg) and running terminal(nodejs server) using that user_id so every time when you reload page there will be a different user_id (run whoami in terminal), so another user can't operate other users files.

I am running nodejs server using forever.js under root user, I want to implement same type of functionality. What is correct way to do this? and if there is another way please elaborate.



I think they are creating a new user each time you visit the page and providing you a subshell of that user. It can be easily achieve by using Shell Programming techniques. Creating a new user each time thing is probably nothing more than a security measure.

So I will briefly explain the concept in 5 steps:

1 - Create a new user:

경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.

shell_exec('useradd --expiredate 2016-09-10 [username]');

2 - Login to this newly created user account:

shell_exec('su [username]');

3 - Get user input to the PHP script using AJAX(dynamically).

4 - Execute user's command and send the output to user:

$output = shell_exec("[user's command]");
echo "<pre>$output</pre>";

5 - Repeat from 3.






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