
MySQLConverterTool : How to Convert MySQL to MySQLi


The old MySQL extension (ext/mysql) was deprecated in PHP 5.5 and removed in PHP 7.0.

This tool converts ext/mysql code to ext/mysqli code, as ext/mysqli is the current MySQL extension. There's also PDO_MySQL but this tool does not use that. This tool is not perfect but will help with the conversion.

Alternatively, a quicker and simpler short-term fix is to use a bundled native PHP library such as php7-mysql-shim. Instead of converting code (e.g., mysql_connect() to mysqli_connect()) it uses ext/mysqli to define ext/mysqlfunctions in PHP. Much easier but more of a short-term fix. Although php7-mysql-shim contains PHP 7 in the name, it works with older PHP versions but only if ext/mysql is not installed on your system.


There are two interfaces: GUI and CLI. Example usages:

Using PHP's built-in web server

For example, in a terminal you might do this:

shell> wget
shell> unzip
shell> cd MySQLConverterTool-master/GUI
shell> php -S localhost:8000

Then, go to http://localhost:8000. From there you can choose to convert a snippet (copy-n-paste), a single file, or a directory. You can choose to convert the files themselves (assuming the web server has rights), make backups, or simply output the code to your browser.


Download as you did above, and here is an example to convert a file named /tmp/my.php

$ cd MySQLConverterTool-master
$ php cli.php -f /tmp/my.php

Execute php cli.php -h to see the available options.

Important Warning

That absolutely NO security checks are performed by the tool which prevent users from trying to read and convert files (e.g. /etc/passwd). Make sure to add security measures, if needed.

Additional Documentation

See the wiki for additional information, including screenshots.


With short-open-tag disabled, short tags (<? and <?=) are essentially ignored due to how the tokenizer extension works. So, if you use the likes of <? (instead of <?php) then enable short-open-tag before executing the conversion otherwise that PHP code will be ignored (not converted). For details, see issue #16.

경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.

Also, a mysql_result equivelant does not exist in ext/mysqli so you must define mysqli_result. The tool does suggest code for this but it does not insert this definition into your converted markup.


The php7-mysql-shim PHP library defines all mysql_ functions for you, so simply include it (a single PHP file) and your code should work without a need to convert. It uses ext/mysqli and works fine in PHP 5.3 or greater. There are pros and cons to each approach.

Also, consider refactoring your code. Whether you convert your code with MySQLConverterTool or define ext/mysql functions using a library such as php7-mysql-shim, these are considered stop-gap measures until you rewrite your code. For example, your new code will probably use prepared statements.


Although unit tests exist, they were not maintained by the lazy developer here. Perhaps one day, see UnitTests/README.

All forms of feedback is welcome and encouraged! Either as bug reports, feature requests, pull requests, complaints, and so on.






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