Learn Blockchain In PHP

2018.11.18 22:23

졸리운_곰 조회 수:89



Learn Blockchain In PHP

Blockchain is platform and language agnostic. That means, you can use any popular programming language to create a blockchain. Some of the popular blockchains are developed using C++, Java, JavaScript, Go, Python, C#, Ruby, Solidity, and PHP.

You can create your blockchain using JavaScript but only some portions of it. A blockchain is a combination of several technologies including cryptography, distributed ledger technology, P2P network programming, database storage and sharing, network communication and notifications, backend services, UI components and so on. So building a complete blockchain product may require more than just one language.

Here is a list of resources that you may use to learn blockchain development in PHP.

Basic blockchain

Learn Blockchains by Building One

Shows how to build a blockchain in Python. You will need Python 3.6+ (along with pip) is installed. You’ll also need to install Flask and the wonderful Requests library. You’ll also need an HTTP Client, like Postman or cURL.

In this tutorial, you will learn the following


  • Representing a blockchain
  • What does a block look like
  • Adding transactions to a block
  • Creating new blocks
  • Understanding Proof of Work
  • Expose Blockchain as an API
  • Consuming the Blockchain via API
  • Registering Nodes
  • Implementing Consensus Algorithm 

A Simple PHP Blockchain

Here is a simple open source PHP Blockchain available on github.

경축! 아무것도 안하여 에스천사게임즈가 새로운 모습으로 재오픈 하였습니다.
어린이용이며, 설치가 필요없는 브라우저 게임입니다.


PHP Blockchain is a simple implementation of the blockchain data structure and proof-of-work using the PHP programming language. It is designed as an introduction to blockchain technology for PHP programmers.

Let’s Create a Blockchain With PHP

Here is a video to talk about creating a blockchain and cryptocurrency in PHP.




[출처] https://www.jumpstartblockchain.com/article/learn-blockchain-in-php/                                          





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