torch lua install on ubuntu 16.04 LTS [machine learning]

Torch can be installed to your home folder in ~/torch by running these three commands:

# in a terminal, run the commands WITHOUT sudo
git clone ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; bash install-deps;

The first script installs the basic package dependencies that LuaJIT and Torch require. The second script installs LuaJIT, LuaRocks, and then uses LuaRocks (the lua package manager) to install core packages like torch, nn and paths, as well as a few other packages.

The script adds torch to your PATH variable. You just have to source it once to refresh your env variables. The installation script will detect what is your current shell and modify the path in the correct configuration file.

# On Linux with bash
source ~/.bashrc
sudo su
bash install-deps
yes | bash ./


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