[A] Advanced Search with Confluence CQL Error [closed]

am looking for a order function in confluence CQL.

I want to order by TYPE (page, comment, etc) How is it possible?

I tried this, but it doenst work: https://myconfluence.site/rest/api/content/search?cql=text~%22apos%22&type=page&expand=body.storage&filter=order+by+asc

Thanks for your help!



It seems you mixed things up a bit :)

This query works for me and orders by id


Lets see the problems one by one:

  • filter=order+by+asc This does not work, as it is part of the cql syntax
  • order+by+asc You have to tell which field should be ordered by (e.g. id or type)
  • text~%22apos%22&type=page Do not separate with "&", as it is interpreted as 2 query params and not as single cql command. You have to write the key-word "and" to combine several terms.

I hope this solves your issue. Ordering by type would not have any affect in your example as you only search for pages.

Find further information here:

[출처] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36154567/advanced-search-with-confluence-cql-error

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final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

String url = "https://www.confluence.com/rest/api/content/search?cql=type=page+and+text~\" +

                keyword + "\"+order+by+id+asc&expand=body.storage,history,space";

String response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);    // jsonp  다른 도메인 호출 예?

byte[] bytes = response.getBytes("8859_1");   // 한글 깨짐 방지

String results = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");    // 한글 깨짐 방지

return results;


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